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Zip Affiliate Benefit Program tag line, We are National, We are Locat, We are you
Family Consultation
Program Benefits
Health Benefits
UNA RX Pharmacy Card
Lifestyle Benefits
Roadside Assistance
Ultra Score
Health & Lifestyle Packages
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Penny-Wise Office Products
Ribbon Cutting Kind of Store
Sprint Through Apex Wireless
Website Designs - TecTao Designs
Vista Merchant Services
ATM Payment Systems, Inc.
Program Packages


"Life happens" in many different ways and Family Consultation Services responds with real solutions. Our comprehensive telephone consultation provides you with research and referral information for child care, elder care and care for people with disabilities. Save countless hours finding a care provider to meet your specific needs and receive a detailed Provider Profile packet and educational materials and guidebooks within 48-72 hours.


Family Consultation Services can help in these types of situations:

      • Finding in-home child care for an infant or toddler

      • Making transportation arrangements to the doctor for a disabled elder who is living alone in another state

      • Understanding what Medicare, Medicaid or private insurance covers for an elderly relative's care and identifying programs that are available at little or no cost

      • Finding an after-school program or summer camp for a child in elementary school

      • Understanding the costs of various living arrangements if a parent can no longer live at home

      • Finding care for a child or adult with a debilitating disease